If you are unfamiliar with this type of loan, keep reading. While payday loans are not illegal in Connecticut, the state has specified that they are strictly prohibited for consumers who repay them within 14 days. The terms of these loans can be extremely confusing to someone that has never taken one out before, so it is important to understand what exactly they entail. Payday loans have high-interest rates, and the fees associated with borrowing money can often exceed what you borrowed by about two hundred percent or more. When applying for a loan online or over the phone, you must provide personal information, including your Social Security Number and bank account details. All in all, it is not worth taking out a payday loan because of the exorbitant fees involved.
Can You Get A Payday Loan In Connecticut?
Although you cannot get a payday loan in Connecticut, you can still get a cash advance. A cash advance is similar to a payday loan and is offered by most banks and credit unions in Connecticut. However, you will not be charged outrageous fees and interest rates exceeding 300 percent of the amount of your loan. For instance, if you borrow $300 from a bank for 12 months at the rate of 14 percent, then you will pay back an additional $306 after one year. You also have the option to roll over your cash advance into another personal loan. In addition to lower fees, there are no legal restrictions on how long you can wait for your money to come through before paying it back to the bank.
Why Are Payday Loans Illegal In Connecticut?
In 2007, the state of Connecticut passed a law that makes it illegal to take out a payday loan because of the high-interest rates involved. The ban came into effect in October 2008 and is still in place today. Although payday loans are not available in Connecticut, you can take out a cash advance from a bank or credit union at much lower rates and fees.
Options For Payday Loans In Connecticut
Cash advance loans are the only option for people living in Connecticut who need a payday loan. These loans have much lower interest rates and fees than payday loans, so they are a better option for borrowers.
Payday Loan Alternatives in Connecticut There are a number of alternatives to payday loans for people living in Connecticut that want a short-term loan.
Direct Deposit Loans – You can apply to take out a short-term loan from a bank or credit union that allows you to set up direct deposit. This means that when your loan comes through, you will receive the funds into your bank account automatically. If you choose this option, then there will be no need to fill in any paperwork and no fees charged by the lender.
Refinance Loans – A refinance loan is another type of short-term money advance offered by banks and credit unions in Connecticut. The amount you borrow will depend on the type of mortgage you have with the bank or credit union.
Personal Loans – These types of loans can be obtained from a local lender in your area. The bank or credit union will require you to go to a branch and fill out a number of forms before they can discuss your personal loan options with you.
Check Cashing – In Connecticut, it is illegal to take out a payday loan from a company that does not offer loans for at least seven days. A comparable alternative is to go to the nearest bank or credit union branch, complete the paperwork and then pay with your check. You will then receive your money into that bank account on the next business day.
Common Uses For A Loan In Connecticut
The most common uses for a loan in Connecticut are for paying back credit cards or other outstanding loans. If you are facing bankruptcy, you can also take out a personal loan to pay the debts you owe. Finally, if you need to make home improvements, you can apply for a home equity loan. These types of loans are all available at banks and credit unions in Connecticut.
Other Ways To Raise Money In Connecticut
If taking out another loan is not an option for you, then there are still other ways that you can raise money quickly in Connecticut. If necessary, you can sell off your assets or items that have value, such as jewelry or household appliances. You can also take out an online payday loan to get you through until your next paycheck.