Title Loan Duration HUB

Long-term Auto Loans

Auto loans are a form of borrowing money to purchase a new or used car. Many rely on long-term loans as they offer lower monthly

144-month Auto Loan

A car loan is a loan made to purchase a vehicle. Car loans usually carry high-interest rates and long repayment periods. The term can also

120-month Auto Loan

Some people are more than happy to pay the high monthly interest rates on car loans and credit cards. Others would prefer to remortgage their

97-month Car Loan

A long-term car loan is an automobile financing agreement in which the lender agrees to lend money on a vehicle for more than 60 months.

96-month Car Loan

What is a 96-month Car Loan? A car loan spanning 96 months is a fixed-rate automobile financing with monthly payments. Most auto loans are for

84-month Auto Loan

The national average for a car loan is around 84 months. It is because more than half of the loans are given to buyers with

72-month Auto Loan

What is a 72-month auto loan? A 72-month auto loan is a form of car financing that gives you the option to pay off your

60-month Car Loan

A 60-month loan is a car loan with a selected term of 60 months. An auto loan is designed to span five years of payments.