Payday Loans in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Payday Loan Companies in Wolfeboro, NH

Company nameAddressZip codePhone number
Citizens Bank 70 S Main St 03894 +1 (603) 552 - 2063
Diane Hooper at AnnieMac Home Mortgage 136 N Main St 1 03894 +1 (603) 570 - 5080
Financial Focus 40 Mill St 03894 +1 (603) 569 - 1994
Meredith Village Savings Bank 66 N Main St 03894 +1 (603) 569 - 6655
People's United Bank 15 Varney Rd 03894 +1 (603) 569 - 8400
Santoro & Sinnamon CPAs 51 Mill St 9 03894 +1 (800) 220 - 5521
TD Bank 36 Center St 03894 +1 (603) 569 - 8999
Wentworth Economic Development Corporation 7 Center St 03894 +1 (603) 569 - 4216
Wentworth Economic Development Corporation, Inc. WEDCO 15 Varney Rd 0641 03894 +1 (603) 569 - 4216

Payday Loan Companies in Nearby Cities

If there are no payday loan companies in Wolfeboro, NH, you can try to find different companies in big cities near by. Check out the following pages here: Payday Loans in Concord, NH, Payday Loan for Derry, NH, Payday Loan for Dover, NH, Payday Loans in Manchester, NH, Short-term Loans in Nashua, NH and Payday Loans in Rochester, NH. But also, you can apply for a loan online, not coming out of your home. Just fill out a simple application on our website and we will connect you with trusted direct lenders in Wolfeboro, NH.

Payday Loans Available in Wolfeboro, NH By The Following ZIP Codes:


Are Payday Loans Legal In Wolfeboro, New Hampshire?

Loan Rates and Fees, Laws and Regulations in New Hampshire.

Payday lending is legal in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. This means that all financial contracts by payday lenders are completely legal and you will be protected by the state - according to the law. As far as financial terms go, such loans have a limit of $500 with a maximum term of 34 days. The amount per loan can go up to $250 in fees - so you'll break even really quickly since the APR is very high (460%*). Criminal actions against borrowers are banned because it's simply not allowed by law during financial contracts in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Loan Regulations

Legal StatusLegal (at a low cost)
Interest Rate (APR, %)Not Specified
Maximum Loan AmountNot Specified
Minimum Loan TermNot Specified
Maximum Loan TermNot Specified
Number of Rollovers Allowed0
Finance ChargesNot Specified

Wolfeboro, NH payday loan calculator

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